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The River Academy's Fifth Annual Gala: You don't want to miss this elegant and fun event!

We can't wait to gather with TRA families old and new on March 29th at 6pm in the Grand Ballroom of the Wenatchee Convention Center! This year's Gala theme is Truth, Beauty, & Goodnessalso known in classical and philosophical circles as the transcendentals. Come find out what this means at TRA and how we are shaping the next generation of Christian leaders and lifelong learners to seek truth, beauty, and goodness.

Highlights for the evening include a delicious dinner and dessert, student entertainment, silent and live auction, and a no-host bar.

Our mission is to partner with parents in educating the next generation of Christian leaders, equipped to shape culture through faithful, wise, and joyful Christian living. But we don't want just a few children to benefit from a Christ-centered, high-quality classical education. This is where you come in! By attending the TRA gala, you are supporting our Tuition Assistance Program, which enables families to attend The River Academy who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford it.

Hope to see you there!

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