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There are four main ways to serve at the Gala:
1. Classroom Basket Coordinator: Communicate with your child's class parents, decide on a them (choose it yourself or solicit input from other parents), gather items together and ensure they're delivered to the school by November 5th. Coordinators do not have to provide an actual basket or decorate items unless you want to and have communicated with Andie Johnson.
2. Set Up Crew: Help set up for the event downtown at the Stanley Civic Center beginning at 9am.
3. Tear Down Crew: Help clean up after the event downtown at Stanley Civic Center immediately following the event.
4. Auction Item Procurement Team: Do you have multiple connections within our community that might be interested in donating to the auction? We'd love to have you on the procurement team! This team will meet twice before the event and communicate primarily through email to ensure we aren't duplicating our asks.
Please indicate your volunteer preference below.
Thank you for your willingness to serve in this way. Please contact Andie at with any questions.